The Calendar Project

Hey there, I'm The Chainmail Chick. I'm a model, a cosplayer, a huge nerd, and an artist. I travel a lot and attend conventions as a booth girl, a vendor, and sometimes a guest. I've been involved in the convention/booth babe scene for a while now.

I wish I could easily explain why I really want to make a calendar. It's partly because I'm tired of seeing "geek girl" calendars made by third parties, random groups who aren't interested so much in the girl or her achievements, but how they can use her image to profit/bring attention to their group/game/event/whatever. It's partly because a lot of people who make calendars emphasize tawdry sex appeal over artistic value. (Don't get me wrong, I love seeing sexy ladies, but just because a picture has T&A does not make it compelling, interesting, or well done) It's partly because I know a lot of beautiful, talented women who deserved to be showcased, not exploited.

And, it's partly because I think it'll be fun =D (someone please remind me of that when I am panicking and sleep deprived a week before the due date)

This calendar is going to be sexy. It's going to be gorgeous. It's going to have high quality photography and art. The content is going to be decided by the girls themselves. And the profits are going back to the girls as well! And in addition, part of the proceeds will also be donated to charity. (Which one is up for debate right now; we will announce it as we get further along)

If you're a photographer who would like to help shoot the calendar, send me an email with a link to your portfolio and your general location.

If you're a nerd girl who wants to participate, check out the submission guidelines and then head over to the "Submit" tab.

Lastly, we are open to sponsorship! If you have an event you would like to promote, or you just want to help get the calendar off the ground, shoot me an email and we can chat :)

I'm really excited about this calendar - I hope you are too!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i do not remember the name but if i remember right i think there is a charity organization that raises money to buy sick kids(cancer and etc..) that like anime, anime movies and episodes to watch.
